國立臺北科技大學應用英文系,與台灣英語文教學研究學會(ETRA)及台灣專業英語文學會(TESPA),將於今年10月11日-13日,於集思北科大會議中心共同舉辦「第四十屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會暨2023國立臺北科技大學應用語言學國際研討會暨台灣專業英語文學會年會」。此次研討會主題為Advancing empowerment and resilience: Language, culture, policy and pedagogy,現正開放報名中,...
(Call for Papers) NTUT, ETRA & TESPA to Host a Joint Conference, Oct. 11-13 Conference Website https://aplx.org/ Call for Papers Areas & Topics Abstracts are welcome in any area of applied linguistics, bilingual education, and English language teaching and learning,...
The deadline for abstract submission to LSPPC6 is October 31, 2020: just around the corner! We are pleased to announce our second call for the 6th International Conference of the Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association on the theme...
Call for Papers 2020 TESPA International Conference on English for Specific Purposes Conference Dates: October 16-17, 2020 Conference Venue: GIS Taipei Tech Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan Conference Host: Taiwan ESP Association Co-organizer: Department of English,...